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Publish your article on The Source

the source articles

Outsource Accelerator has launched “The Source” – and we’re excited to have you join us on this journey.


The Source mission

To highlight and promote Philippines’ outsourcing services to the world  – via a user-generated (wiki) information hub, and ubiquitous community.


The Source overview

Our ambition with The Source is to create a valuable information and resource hub for existing and prospective users of outsourcing. The content will be self-generated by the vast community of highly qualified professionals within the BPO industry itself. The aim of the content and information exchange is to inform, propagate and promote the benefits of outsourcing to the entrepreneurs and business owners in the ‘West’ – the prospective candidates for outsourcing.

The focus and intended readership for the content is founders, entrepreneurs and the owners and senior management of Small & Medium Businesses (SMB/SMEs). Simply, not enough of these business owners have properly considered outsourcing, and they need to be encouraged to do so. Not enough of them are aware of exactly what outsourcing is, and how it can benefit them. Even less of these people have tried it.

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These business owners, need to know how good an opportunity outsourcing is for them and their business, and they need to know that the Philippines is the best outsourcing destination to do it.

Outsource Accelerator The Source page

The Source is creating a community interface which blends the best aspects of Medium, Quora and Linked In to create a knowledge hub and community – specifically suited for the needs of the BPO sector and their prospective SME clients.

The outsourcing industry, and its workforce are all encouraged to post content that is of value to prospective clients; content which will help them commence and progress along their outsourcing journey. If awareness and comfort with outsourcing is increased, and the obstacles are removed, then more people will outsource.

The goal is to generate valuable content for prospective outsourcing clients that will specifically (i) educate them about outsourcing, (ii) educate them on how easy it is to get started with outsourcing, (iii) educate them about the unique benefits of outsourcing to the Philippines, and (iv) raise awareness and appreciation of the BPO which has spent time to write the article.

There are over 35 million SMEs in the ‘West’, and it is clearly a great thing if more of them decide to outsource. This will be great win for individual BPOs, a win for the outsourcing sector, and a win for the Philippines as a whole.

With The Source, we aim to create an environment which will equally encourage, challenge and reward the contributors of content. Provision of good content will reflect well on the BPO/contributor of the article, and will naturally lead to introductions, lead generation and even future sales. And of course it will generally lift the awareness and adoption of outsourcing.

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High-value content, within The Source, will be consumed and appreciated by prospective clients who are hungry for information on outsourcing insights, and how to improve their business. It is a win-win for all involved.

The Source will become known as the go to resource for anything to do with outsourcing. It creates a constructive competitive environment for the BPOs, whilst creating a vast ‘brains trust’ for the user/browser. The Source will rank articles according to a transparent ‘like’ and ‘views’ system – ensuring that the best and most valuable content will receive the most attention.

Get started now!


What is Outsourcing?

Hopefully, all of you reading this are already aware of outsourcing, but just in case…. here’s a brief overview. When we refer to outsourcing, we mean, ‘staff outsourcing’. There are numerous variations and names for outsourcing, such as Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Offshoring, Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO), ‘call centre’, staff leasing and/or seat leasing, shared-services, and to some extent, ‘captive operations’. We consider these to all be within the same basket of outsourcing. There are also remote and virtual staffing solutions such as Upwork and Freelancer platforms. Whilst this is different to outsourcing, we do include these within the broader outsourcing umbrella.

Generally outsourcing refers to services and staffing solutions which are outsourced to a third party. According to Entrepreneur.com outsourcing is: “The practice of having certain job functions done outside a company instead of having an in-house department or employee handle them; functions can be outsourced to either a company or an individual.” In the context of the Philippines we are referring to the BPO and outsourcing service industry. This sector employees over one-million people, and contributes over 10% of the Philippines’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


Who is Outsource Accelerator?

Outsource Accelerator is fast becoming the world’s foremost outsourcing authority. We are a trusted source of independent information, education & advisory for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Read more about us here.

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Submit an article now

Anyone can submit an article, and you can get started now! As mentioned above, we encourage the community to provide an article which helps educate and inform business owners about (i) the benefits of outsourcing, (ii) how easy it is to start, and (iii) why the Philippines is the destination of choice.

Submitted articles have the equal benefit of promoting Philippines outsourcing, promote you, the author as an outsourcing authority, and you can also promote the benefits of your associated BPO or professional services.

It’s great to offer valuable insight and tips for the reader, and you can also demonstrate why your BPO outshines the competition. There is a very broad scope of applicable topics and insights you can choose from. We encourage you to submit articles which offer the reader something of value – such as business insights, tips, tricks and hacks – based on your own personal experiences and knowledge are excellent ideas.


BPO rewards

All entries will be awarded a minimum of 3 BPO Rewards for each accepted entry (see above). The BPO Rewards can be exchanged for fantastic products and services, available in our ‘shop’. You can also exchange BPO Rewards with your friends and community – so this is a great way to start your collection!

Read more about BPO Rewards here.


Article details

Engaging with a good message

We want this to be a fun exercise! And we want to show the world how amazing the Philippines is for business and outsourcing opportunities. It’s a great message to be sending out into the world! We ideally want these articles to be strongly outsourcing and business oriented; informative, but also fun and engaging.


Suggested structure

For an article to really shine, we suggest your article should:

  • promote outsourcing, and how the Philippines is the world’s premier outsourcing destination
  • explain how your BPO or services provide excellent and unique service to potential business customers
  • provide a valuable business insight/tip/trick/hack for the reader (related to outsourcing)


Who can write and submit?

Anyone can submit and publish an article on The Source!

However, the article is intended to be written by a BPO, a member of the BPO workforce or remote workers – with the focus of the article being for the benefit of a potential BPO client/customer.  We are looking for experts of outsourcing to write great content, which will be of high-value to the prospective end-user of outsourcing.   Anyone can submit an article, but you are writing about a specific BPO, then have to get the ‘okay’ from your BPO to post the article. Article submissions from independent contractors and remote workers are also accepted.

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Length and quality

The format of the article is up to you. Your article can be 100 words, or 10,000 words – however, we recommend that they’re at least 400 words. They can be just text, or can include images, videos and infographics. It is up to you.

You are free to promote your BPO and your knowledge, but don’t make it overly ‘salesy’. You are free to include images, videos, and infographics, and you a free to choose a (relevant) topic that interests you. You can be as short or as long as you like (though minimum of 400 words is recommended).


Share and promote your article

Once you have spent time creating your article, you can promote and share it amongst your own community.


Specific items to consider

  • The article must be written in English, and must have a suitable level of correct English grammar, spelling and article structure.
  • We don’t accept bad language, or derogatory/derisory comments about any companies, or people.
  • Article topics must be relevant to The Source – as per suggested content structure (see above)
  • Links and references are accepted and encouraged, but all links will be ‘no-follow’ links
  • Back-linking to the article is accepted, and this might increase like and shares etc – however the backlinks must be genuine and of good quality.
  • We do not accept any black-hat activities, nor illegitimate or low-quality back-linking (ie PBNs), or social sharing activities etc
  • Contributor profile and company page should be claimed, created an updated
  • Contributed article and company page content is then owned by Outsource Accelerator
  • Content must be original content, and not plagiarized. Original content should remain original to Outsource Accelerator for at least three weeks, and cannot be re-purposed and/or posted anywhere else prior to that period
  • Any articles can be removed by Outsource Accelerator without notice – particularly if low quality, offensive or incomplete – or contradict any of the above considerations.

Get started now!


The Source article writing competition

The generate awareness and interest for the launch of The Source, in March, 2018, we ran an Article writing competition. The intention of the competition is to generate articles of value for The Source, which promote the Philippines as the “World’s Premier Outsourcing Destination”.  Read about the competition here.

This competition was highly successful with over 380 contributors signing up and 75 articles submitted by the community.

You can see the submitted articles, by checking out the Source, and read this here for a summary of the top 10 articles, and the three winners.


Get started

We’re excited to have you join this journey with us.  Get started on your article now, and represent the Philippines.

Simply sign in and create your profile to get started.

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About OA

Outsource Accelerator is the trusted source of independent information, advisory and expert implementation of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO).

The #1 outsourcing authority

Outsource Accelerator offers the world’s leading aggregator marketplace for outsourcing. It specifically provides the conduit between world-leading outsourcing suppliers and the businesses – clients – across the globe.

The Outsource Accelerator website has over 5,000 articles, 350+ podcast episodes, and a comprehensive directory with 2,300+ BPO companies… all designed to make it easier for clients to learn about – and engage with – outsourcing.

About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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