$100 mil. - $250 mil.
Maria Cherizz Burlat, Team Manager
(+1) 646 381 1599 / (+32) 929 80111 / (+44) 203 318 1593
About Conectys: Review and comparison
Conectys is based in Bucharest, Romania, and employs over 3,000 people. The company’s website states Conectys takes a consultative partner approach with its clients.
The company prefers to not be seen as an external vendor but an expert who’s deeply invested in their customers’ processes and successes.
The firm has been around since 2004 and remains a privately held organization. Conectys touts its ability to remain small and responsive while being large enough to access resources on a global scale.
The company has 12 sites worldwide and can operate in 35 different languages. This company is about strategizing and creating solutions alongside its clients.
Conectys Outsourcing
As a business process outsourcing agency, Conectys has won several prestigious awards. These include Silver Stevie awards for sales, customer services, and contact center or outsourcing provider of the year.
The company works with clients in the fintech, gaming, social media, retail and e-commerce, and healthcare industries.
The firm has offices and contact centers in the Philippines, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. It focuses on creating superior customer experiences and digital content.
Conectys’s BPO services and pricings
The services that Conectys offers fall under three categories:
- Moderation of user-generated content
- Customer experience
- Digital experience
Content that an organization’s customers generate can give a brand more authenticity and trustworthiness.
However, this type of content can also be problematic since it may not adhere to a brand’s standards. It also might not present a company in the best light or send the “right” message. Filtering and monitoring content takes a lot of time and effort, making their services attractive.
Digital and customer experiences go hand in hand. The way prospects and customers see and interact with a website can impact experience, for good or bad. Conectys works to optimize the customer experience across all channels.
Conectys’ pricing
The company uses a per-work unit pricing method in combination with a minimum monthly retainer fee. Work units can be call minutes, project deliverables, or a full-time equivalent employee. However, Conectys is open to customizing price structures and options per customer.
How Conectys outshines its competition
Conectys is an established BPO organization with 17 years of experience. The company has also won repeat and numerous awards for its services and customer service levels. Clients reap the benefits of an organization that emphasizes partnership and has produced global industry results. The company’s approach also reflects a desire to work with clients and not just for them.
Key executives
Maria Cherizz Burlat (Team Manager/Local Project Lead)
Maria served as a team manager and local project lead for Conectys from 2019 to 2021.
She helped monitor team goals and team members, ensuring they met project objectives and stayed on task.
Maria holds degrees in education, communications, and media studies.
Conectys reviews and comparisons
We recommend comparing Conectys to BPO organizations that specialize in digital content management. Other companies that work with clients in industries like healthcare, pharmaceuticals, retail and e-commerce, and finance and technology are best.
Conectys’s contact information
Conectys’s main headquarters is located in:
Further, you may virtually reach out the company through the following contact information:
In addition, you may email them at [email protected] or call (+1) 646 381 1599 / (+32) 929 80111 / (+44) 203 318 1593.